Personal Testimony

I grew up in a Christian home and was saved at the age of 5.  However, as I got older, I drifted away from the Lord.  Even though my family was part of a good church and involved in ministry my heart had been hardened. I began to doubt whether there was a God or not and begin to look for evidence.  The more I looked, the more evidence I found until I could believe without a doubt that God and the Bible were real and true.  God began to work in my life and while working at a Christian camp, God called me into missions.  I went to Bible college and continued to grow as a Christian.  While I was at Bible College, God used one of my friends to call me to Japan.  Nearly every day my friend, who was from Japan, would tell me about the need there and try to convince me to go.  However, I came up with many reasons to say no.  Then, through the preaching of my local church and a missions trip I was able to take to Uganda, God removed all of my reasons to say no.  The Lord kept bringing to my mind the things my friend had said about Japan and cemented in my mind that it was the Lords will that I go there.  As I look around the country I am excited to come and pray the Lord will be able to use me here.

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”

Isaiah 26:3